Apeks Détendeur Octopus Apeks Egress

Détendeur Octopus Apeks Egress | Détendeur Octopus Apeks Egress Plongée-Détendeurs - octopus Apeks

Apeks Détendeur Octopus Apeks Egress

Détendeur Octopus Apeks Egress

146,00 €


Egress means way out, exit, escape - the perfect description for an ideal octopus. The Apeks Egress has been designed as a left and right hand second stage regulator perfect for octopus use and emergency buddy breathing situations. It is, however, also entirely suitable as a left and right handed primary second stage compatible with any Apeks first stage. If used with an unsealed first stage then it is only recommended for warm waters, but is suitable for cold water diving when used with any Apeks environmentally sealed first stage.


Egress Features

  • Can be used either way up
  • Can be routed over either shoulder
  • Low profile ensures less drag in water and keeps it close to the body out of the way
  • Bright colours ensure visibility in panic situations
  • Rubber feel helps you get hold of it easily in panic situations
  • Large purge – easy to use either way up
  • Balanced valve mechanism
  • Simple to use, reliable and easily maintained
  • Effortless breathe due to the balanced mechanism
  • Hose/mouthpiece layout is ideal for emergency buddy breathing
  • Cold water compatible – CE approved


The Egress second stage is a quality, high performance piece of equipment you would expect from Apeks but at a remarkable price.





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