Omer Bungee Float Line Omer by Marco Bardi

Bungee Float Line Omer by Marco Bardi | Bungee Float Line Omer by Marco Bardi

Omer Bungee Float Line Omer by Marco Bardi

Bungee Float Line Omer by Marco Bardi

9,60 €


Bungee Float Line Omer by Marco Bardi


The Bungee Float Line has a stretch of as much as three times its original length. With these features, less direct strain is placed on the float and during the dive especially in areas with current. This gives the principal advantage of having the float line vertically above the diver, as it stretches between the diver and the float.

Three lengths to suit the diver´s needs: 
A 4 meter length designed for fishing in less than 12 meters (33’).
An 8 meter length designed for fishing in less than 24 meters (33’-66’).
A 12 meter length designed for fishing in 30 meters max depth (100´).
The ends are reinforced and furnished with a practical nylon release clamp. It is also recommended for attaching as an addition to existing float lines.
The line floats and is designed for resistance to marine use.

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