Multiprongs Omer Line of multiprongs featuring an innovative hydrodynamic design. The plastic base is manufactured...
Cayman 2000 Speargun Omer Cayman 2000 features an aluminium barrel 28 mm diameter and the Cayman...
Il fucile pneumatico della Omer Sub Air XXII adotta l’ormai collaudata impugnatura “AIRbalete”...
Pneumatic Speargun Omer Airbalete
Camouflage Pneumatic speargun Omer Airbalete with reel A Revolutionary pneumatic...
Pneumatic Speargun Omer Tempest Airgun also available with a power regulator. ...
Zero3 Mask Omer Revolutionary free diving mask with an exclusive look created...
La Omersub Alien è senz´altro la prima maschera disegnata e concepita esclusivamente per la pesca in apnea. Le fibbie...
Mask Omer Alien Small internal volume mask specifically designed for spearfishing. The buckles...