Mares kit Mares Dual 15x

kit Mares Dual 15x | Diving-Regulator - Regulator Kit Mares mute pinne erogatori immersioni corsi Padi snorkeling attrezzatura pesca subacquea Genova Liguria

Mares kit Mares Dual 15x

kit Mares Dual 15x

319,00 €

The octopus Mares Dual 15X, is a kit of dispensers designed for those who start, simple lightweight, and robust, and has an excellent flow rate.
The second stage weighs only 183 g and is made of ultra-light technopolymer which significantly reduces its weight and makes it also suitable for use by women and boys while ensuring a large influx of air during breathing.
The 598g diaphragm-balanced DIN300 first stage has a DFC output and pre-oriented outputs that make it perfect for octopus setup.

Features First Stage Mares Dual 15X:


  • DFC output
  • Pre-oriented outputs
  • Extremely compact size
  • Sandblasted finish

Mares Dual 15X Second Stage:


  • Ultra-light technopolymer construction for great lightness both in water and outside
  • High airflow
  • Oversized silicone discharge button
  • Superflex whip

Si prega di notare che in caso di esaurimento scorte, la consegna del prodotto potrebbe essere ritardata di una settimana.


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