Omer Camouflage Wetsuit Cover Omer By Marco Bardi

Camouflage Wetsuit Cover Omer By Marco Bardi | Camouflage Wetsuit Cover Omer by Marco Bardi

Omer Camouflage Wetsuit Cover Omer By Marco Bardi

Camouflage Wetsuit Cover Omer By Marco Bardi

120,00 €


Camouflage Wetsuit Cover Omer by Marco Bardi


It can be used as a suit cover or as an undersuit. One side is in smooth skin and the other side is nylon lining mimetic 3D. There are several applicatons for this all round product.


Marco Bardi´s advice...

The advantage to use this suit cover is that you can wear it and take it off it, in an easy and fast way, on both nylon lined wetsuits and smooth skin wetsuits. Because it is double face, you can decide if put on the outside the mimetic side or the warmer smooth skin side.

It is also very good as an undersuit, and, thanks to its great elasticity, it doesn´t compromise the breathing.

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